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How to block ALL ‘Game Requests’ and ‘App Notifications’ on Facebook


Lots of folks love playing games and using apps on Facebook, but many others would rather drink a glass of spoiled milk through a dirty straw.

If you fall into the last group you probably aren’t all that thrilled to see a game or app invitation pop up in your notifications area.

As luck would have it, there’s an easy way to block all game and app invitations, now and forever!

Note: The steps explained below will disable notifications from ALL Facebook games and apps.

Therefore you need to be sure you really, truly, honest-to-goodness want to do this before continuing on. If you do, just follow the steps below for the device you use to access Facebook.

If you use Facebook in a web browser on a laptop or desktop computer:

1 – Log into your Facebook account.

2 – Click the Down Arrow on the right-hand side of the blue bar at the top of the window.

3 – Click Settings.

4 – Click the Apps and Websites link over in the left-hand column.

5 – Find the Game and App Notifications section and click the Edit link.

6 – Click the Turn Off button.

If you use the Facebook app on a mobile device:

1 – Login to the Facebook app.

2 – Tap the Menu icon (it looks like three horizontal lines stacked atop one another).

3 – Scroll down and tap Settings & Privacy.

4 – Tap Settings.

5 – Scroll down to the “Security” section and tap Apps and Websites.

6 – Toggle the “Games and Apps Notifications” setting to No.

That’s it! From now on you will never receive another game or app invitation, period.

Of course you can always change your mind later and turn “Game and App Notifications” back on simply by reversing the choice you made in step 6.

Note: Turning off “Game and App Notifications” won’t prevent you from playing games and apps yourself. All it does is prevent you from receiving game requests and notifications about apps that others are using.

If you don’t play any games or use any apps you can greatly enhance the security of your Facebook account by turning the Platform off altogether to prevent rogue apps from causing problems for you and/or your Facebook friends.



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