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5 Different Ways to Open up Task Manager


The most common way to open the Task Manager is by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on the keyboard and selecting Task Manager or Start Task Manager.

Windows 8 and Windows 10 users can also access the Task Manager by right-clicking Start or pressing the Windows Key + X to access the power user task manager. In this menu, you can access the Task Manager.

In Windows Vista and later versions, click Start, type taskmgr in the Search text box, and click on the taskmgr.exe or Task Manager option in the search results.

In Windows XP and earlier versions, Task Manager can also be executed by running the taskmgr.exe file from the C:\Winnt\System32 directory or by clicking Start > Run, typing taskmgr, and pressing Enter.

Early versions of Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98) had a program called tasks to display the programs currently running. This program was executed by running the taskman.exe file from the C:\Windows directory.

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