If you’re finding you don’t have enough hours in the day, why not try speeding up the podcasts you listen to and the videos you watch? You might get some level of distortion along the way but you’ll be finished faster—perfect for the content you’re not too interested in but feel you have to get through.
Plenty of podcast players can do this trick, including Overcast and Pocket Casts, so check insider the settings for your app of choice to see what’s available. In the new-ish Google Podcasts app for Android, for instance, tap the 1.0x button in the lower left-hand corner of the main playback window.
Likewise, several media players for mobile and desktop can speed through your videos if needed. Take VLC Media Player for Windows and macOS, where you can choose Speed from the Playback menu; or there’s the YouTube mobile app, where you can tap the menu button (the three dots) on top of a clip to find the Playback speed option.